There are many occasions when you will get into internet connection problems and will not be able to get online and handle your normal online business, this is the stage when you need to try out some of these tweaks for the respective connections. If you are using airtel 8mbps connection then you wont need these tweaks because its one of the best broadband service provider in India.
First of all check out your current broadband speed and note it down and then apply the following tweaks one by one :
- Reducing your Web Cache Space : You need to reduce your web cache space to the minimum because this way your browser does not need to search much in the temporary files. For this you need to do the following :
Click Start > Click on Control Panel > Double Click on Internet Options > Click on Setting option under the Browsing History[Delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords & web information].
Now reduce the cache size to the minimum recommended disk space which is normally 50Mb disk space. This way your internet connection speed will increase to some extent.
- Speed Up your Web Pages by blocking multimedia & Turning off Graphics: This is a very important tweak which can help you increase your broadband speed by many times. Here are the steps :
Click on Start > Click on Control Panel > Double Click on Internet Options > Click on Settings under Advanced Menu > Deselect some of the options which you dont need generally while browsing example removing Show pictures if you normaly use internet connection for check out your emails etc.
Generally you need to disable Images, sounds, animations etc in order to increase your internet speed because text wont take much time to load up in a slow connection. - Send Bulk emails using distribution lists : If you are looking to send a email to multiple reciptants then its time for you to signup for email distributions by creating mailing lists, this way you can get your work sorted even if you are on a very slow internet connection.
- Use Fasterfox : A firefox Add-On which can increase your browser performance and network tweak to increase your browsing speed. The Add-on automaticaly loads up silently all the links open when there is idle bandwidth and help you to save up some loading time with a inbuilt pop-up blocker to block unwanted pop-up’s
Dont forget to read these tips for increasing your internet browsing speed by 4 times which is related to your browser settings.
vaibhav says
cool, i use fasterfox, i will try use other ones as well…
meethere says
does fasterfox really works ?
Then why dont mozilla guys make it default ?
zaywire says
best question award
Sanjai says
Nice tips Amit, Its useful. I could see good improvement.
amitbhawani says
Good to know that it worked out for you guys 🙂
Puneet says
m also using Fasterfox and the result have showed some changes too … 😉
krishna sharma says
Thank you very much for contributing these
excellent tips. these tweaks speed up my pc excellently.
Mohit says
thanks for tips
Anil Kumar Raju says
I use firefox and using vsnl broadband
Pravin Patil says
Hey guys, check this out.
What im goin to tell u now will help u tweak ur PC n internet connection to get maximum out of it.
1) Download windows registry optimiser frm this website
2)Download CCleaner from
3)Run both programs n optimise ur registry.
4)if ur using firefox , get the latest version that is firefox3 as early as possible.It has a brilliently designed memory usage capacity which almost doubles ur browsing speeds. Even an addon like fasterfox in the firefox2 cant match this speed,its so fast.
5)If u try the above mentioned things in a row, I can guarentee that u can get the most of ur PC n internet connections cuz i have tested it heavily.
Thanx again, Do let me know n send ur feedbacks at pravinpatil41@indiatimes/yahoo/ and may be i can help u out further if u have any problems.
Pravin Patil says
And whats more, All of that can be done without a penny.
i can guarentee that its gonna boost ur PC’s overall performance cuz i’ve discovered after hours n hours of browsing n testing.
Thanx again.
yogesh says
It’s really good.This small tricks do more improvement
deepak says
you can also use c cleaner and ashampoo win optimizer
zukraf says
Pravin Patil said is working wonderful….
sahana says
to increase downloading speed i hav installed DAP in my system…it increases dowloading speed of the files no doubt but if file size is large (approx 500MB) then it displays file size unknown and downloads file upto 15KB anyone have solution to my problem..if so please let me know
sarthak says
can u tell me where i can download DAP? ? ? ? ?
sourav says
dap is not so dont use it..
eArman says
Thoug Dap speed up download speed DAP slow up computer and contains malcious virus.
even you want to use DAP use the premium version.n you have to buy it.
sarthak says
hello i have sify broadband 64 kbps speed unlimited plan
but i dont get speed when i download ….
only 2 kbps i have got speed when i am download the files or softwares.
i want suggestion plzzz suggest me what to do ?
eArman says
press “Ctrl+Alt+Del” then go to Task Manager> Process tehn selec all unnecessary running programs and then click End Process be care ful about svchost.exe, System Idle Proccess, System, explorer.exe n ur browser do not click them End Proccess.
Vengat says
Sir, i have the bsnl broadband connection with unlimited download
when i was downloading movies my download speed is 20 – 35 kbps,sometimes very low.But my friend use this same option of broadband but his download speed is above100kbps.So he can downloading the 700mb films in 1 or 2 hrs but i was 7 or 8 hrs.I’m surely know these mistake related to my settings.
Pls guide me and send it to me trough email
coraljet says
if u use boardband and wanna improve ur internet connection, i suggest dsl speed
bittu says
not useful for all web browsers, but its commercial tip i thought its useful for firefox, i wil give good suggestion to improve ur internet speed go star and open cmd and write gpedit.msc and open administrative templets and double click networks and highlet qos packet schedule than click limit reservable bandwith double click and setting enable bandwidth length 0% defenetly useful for all web browser and systems also
all the best ur bittu
bittu says
or delete ur regestry key to improve ur speed